Administrative picture

Administrative Picture

Although the operational aspect of this phase divided itself into four distinct parts, two of these, the operations of Second Army up to BRUSSELS and ANTWERP and of First Canadian Army along the Channel coast, were taking place concurrently, the division was made more for the convenience of the reader than for the sake of necessity.

The administrative side of the picture can more conveniently be described by dividing the history of this phase into three stages:-

The break-out from the NORMANDY bridgehead to the line of the SEINE.

The crossings of the SEINE up to the capture of BRUSSELS and ANTWERP on 3 and 4 September respectively.

The operations to exploit EAST and NORTH terminating in operation MARKET GARDEN (airborne landings).

In order that a better background may be given with which to study the separate activities of the various Services, it is proposed to give a brief description of the salient features during these three stages that together form Phase II.


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