6 June 1944 - 25 July 1944


There were no V and R units included in the Order of Battle of 21 Army Group at this stage except a HQ staff consisting of a lieutenant colonel, major and three clerks.

As there were no veterinary officers on the staff of Civil Affairs the V and R staff was sometimes called upon for technical advice concerning civilian owned stock.

In July V and R 21 Army Group assumed veterinary responsibility for all dogs on the strength of units in the Order of Battle. As far as possible all dogs had been inoculated against rabies before despatch to BLA.

In order to cope with the large number of horses which it was expected would be captured, mobilisation of a Veterinary and Remount Conducting Section was requested, to serve as a war dogs hospital in addition to its normal functions.

No animals were held by any units except war dogs which were employed by certain CMP(VP) companies and by special RE dog platoons for mine detection. Approximately 400 RUSSIAN and POLISH ponies were captured but not being suitable for employment with the BRITISH Army were handed over to FRENCH farmers. Release of a supply of drugs and instruments to the FRENCH was arranged from army veterinary stores in UK.




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