6 June 1944 - 25 July 1944


(Navy, Army and Air Force Institute/Expeditionary Force Institutes)

The first EFI personnel were landed on D+17 and on the following day they established the first Base Canteen Depot (BCD) under canvas at SULLY.

Within six days the BOD was being supplied direct from MULBERRY and arrangements made with RASC for the handling of EFI stores.

To supply troops who arrived up to D+30 issues of NAAFI/EFI special packs were made. These packs were designed to provide cigarettes, matches, stationery, razor blades, soap etc for thirty men for twenty-one days and were in addition to 17,500,000 cigarettes and 3,140 lbs of tobacco issued free during the early stages of the campaign.

On 13 July eight Bulk Issue Stores were opened and the first two mobile canteens started operating while on 20 July the first “Nobby Bar” opened in CAEN, and a further eighteen mobile canteens were on the road.




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