June 1944 - 25 July 1944


The main function of the Education Service during the early stages of the operation was to stimulate and maintain morale by the early dissemination of news. Each formation issued a daily broadsheet compiled by the Staff officer Education, based on the BBC broadcasts and close liaison with the General Staff of their HQ.

The first of these to be published on the Continent was that of 3 British Infantry Division on D+3 and the aim was to get the broadsheets containing the previous day’s news to the front line troops early each morning.

Quite early on there arose a demand for classes in FRENCH and, to a lesser extent, in GERMAN.

The chief difficulty about this was the lack of text books as the entire stock of the FRENCH and GERMAN series allotted to 21 Army Group was destroyed in LONDON by enemy action. Classes were held, however, and glossaries of the more common words and phrases required in daily contact with the FRENCH people were published. In the case of several formations lists of GERMAN technical terms were produced for the benefit of technical units dealing with captured enemy material.

At least two Study Centres were established, one at the Second Army rest camp near ARROMANCHES and the other at OUISTREHAM which functioned in spite of enemy shelling from across the river. In addition to the libraries contained in these study centres, boxes of fifty books, eighty per cent fiction and twenty per cent of a more serious type, were distributed to units on demand and ten thousand Penguin editions were allocated within 21 Army Group.




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