June 1944 - 25 July 1944


Although as previously stated it is not intended to discuss the organisation or activities of Civil Affairs in detail in this history, mention must be made of the very considerable assistance that was rendered by them during this phase.

The thirty detachments comprising one Civil Affairs Group placed under command of Second Army were deployed either with divisions or on specific tasks of civilian importance.

They coped with the refugee problem and thereby removed any anxiety on that score from the fighting staffs, although the problem proved smaller than had been anticipated. In addition the information that they gleaned from civil sources was invaluable in discovering the limitations of live and dummy minefields.

The siting of the depots in the RMA was in many instances greatly facilitated by the co-operation they achieved with the FRENCH farmers in ensuring an early cutting and harvesting of their crops and fields.

The above are only examples of ways in which the progress of the armies was directly assisted by the work of Civil Affairs.



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