5 Coldstream Guards to Saint Martin des Entrées (North)
0755 hours
Battalion passed the Brigade S.P. on TAY BRIDGE at 107730, and thence via ANISY 9976, SECQUEVILLE EN BESSIN 9275, and RUCQUEVILLE 8578 to the Battalion area North of ST MARTIN LES ENTREES 8279.
1900 hours
Representative sent to 8 CORPS H.Q. to receive orders for a future Harbour area.
Battalion warned to be ready to move tonight.
1700 hours
The Battalion to come under command of 5 Brigade
2200 hours
Commanding Officer went to Conference at Brigade H.Q.
5th BRIGADE less 1st Armoured Battalion COLDSTREAM GUARDS and with 5th Battalion COLDSTREAM GUARDS under command is to move tonight from ST MARTIN LES ENTREES 8278 to a Concentration Area at LE VIVIER 7271, North East of ST. LO.
The Battalion is at the tail of the column and will be moving off at about 0300 hours.
2300 hours
Commanding Officer to tactical H.Q. of 5th BRIGADE which is at NORON 7474.
Th Brigadier expects to act tomorrow along one of the following lines:-
1. If the Brigade has to fight its way down to VASSEY, 5th Battalion COLDSTREAM GUARDS will lead with an advance guard of a Company and a Squadron of tanks, and then the remainder of the Battalion will be on call on the remaining Squadrons of an Armoured Battalion.
2. If the enemy counter our advance by sending in an armoured counter attack from the AUNAY SUR ODON area it may be necessary to bar his advance by forming a pivot on the flank of our advance in the VILLERS BOCAGE area.
The armour would then lead the Brigade up on the pivot position.
3. If a complete breakthrough is achieved then the Motor Battalion will lead, making all possible speed for CONDE SUR NOIREAU.