XIX Tactical Air Command (USA)RSS

XIX Tactical Air Command (USA)
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Aldermaston Court, Berkshire, United Kingdom
Aldermaston Court, Berkshire
Status coordinate The location is in this area
Hits - 604
XIX Tactical Air Command (-), HQ & HQ Squadron (-) stayed at Aldermaston Court Berkshire on 06 may 1944
Aldermaston Court, Berkshire, United Kingdom
Aldermaston Court, Berkshire
Status coordinate The location is in this area
Hits - 682
XIX Tactical Air Command, HQ & HQ Squadron stayed at Aldermaston Court Berkshire on 08 june 1944
Biggin Hill, Kent, United Kingdom
Biggin Hill, Kent
Status coordinate The location is in this area
Hits - 649
XIX Tactical Air Command, HQ & HQ Squadron, Detachment A stayed at Biggin Hill Kent on 06 may 1944