Sincere gratitude I was born in 1942 and I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all those brave Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen/womenwho through their courageous efforts allowed me to bring up two wonderful children, who in turn gavemy Wife and I beautiful grandchildren, and that they all have been able to...
Hi Fred, Thank you so much for your prompt reply, and thank you for the information, also the one related with your web. We will keep it in mind for future occasions.
"Fred, thanks for your reply. I know that his home was in Joliet a south suburb of Chicago. I will contact my relatives and see if they can provide any photos or information for you to add regarding his service. Thank you sir for keeping his and many other service members sacrifices in all of our...
Thank you Fred you have filled in some gaps and made me feel very sad as I we were not able to talk much to Dad as he died when we were quite young. We are now trying to put together a history for our children. We want them to feel as proud as we do Best wishes and thank you Deborah
Thank you Many times i wonder what it was like, wat would i do. I'm 36 years old so it is distent to me, but... what was it like. What if i was a british, american or german soldier. Never can i grasp the feelings of the time. Only thing i can say to the allies. Thank you for your sacrafice. My...
Fred, the story on your web site looks fantastic! Thank you for investing time into what you have done by adding the stories and putting in the Airmen's photos into your web site. I know when fellow readers of WW II history & events come upon the story they are going to find it very interesting.
Thank you very much, your website is a marvel.
I have been searching and searching for photos from those troops, but all those that I have found belong to the South, and not only one to those areas on the list that I have sent.
I just wanted to give faces and names, even if it was 10 people......
Ik was op bezoek op je website en zag daar de bewerking van Stille Nacht voor 2009 inclusief het gedicht. Ik ben zo vrij geweest de bewerking 2009 via mijn geluidsinstallatie op te nemen en toe te voegen aan de Stille Nacht verzameling. Op deze manier houd ik jouw bewerkingen ten behoeve van het...
Hallo Fred, ik kom heel toevallig op je site terecht. Het gaat goed zo te zien. Met mij gaat het het ook goed, ben aardig druk in verschillende bands, dus de strenge lessen hebben me toch goed gedaan. ;-) Speel je zelf ook nog drums of ben je alleen maar druk met schrijven? Nou de groeten uit...
So thanks so much for all your time and trouble, you have been so helpful. I noted with admiration and heart felt thanks for your silent prayer to find his grave.
Dank voor je reactie. Ik dacht dat jij ook ’slechts’ een van de commentatoren was en toevallig de pagina die ik bezocht becommentarieerde. Maar de hele site is van jou! Complimenten. Goed werk!
Ik ga eerst zelf maar eens zoveel mogelijk info onderzoeken. De enige ‘evader’ van mijn kist heeft...