Fred Vogels, founder, webmaster, producer, composer
Founder - webmaster Back to Normandy
Website Back to Normandy was founded (registered ) on 16 April 2003.
To read more about the history of this website:
Dutch version:
Website Fred Vogels
Stories and music by Fred Vogels:
Albums composed by Fred Vogels:
Stories and music of Père Lachaise by Fred Vogels:
Storie of Michael Rabin, violinist:
Storie of the Dutch composer Jan van Gilse:
Visit France with the Dutch 110 Transport CIE:
Original music and film
Fred Vogels Music Productions
The film - Back to Normandy - Music inspired by D-day: (1h:22m:40s)
Producer: Fred Vogels
Original music by Fred Vogels
Company: Fred Vogels Music Productions
Public Broadcasting Service USA: Omaha Beach, Honor & Sacrifice (2014)
Producer: Tim Gray
Original music by Fred Vogels
Company: WWII Foundation
Full version for registrated guests:
Back to Normandy for Concertband (2014)
Original music by Fred Vogels
Night and Fog (1955-2011)
Own musical interpretation of this film about the camps
Goodbye veterans (2014)
Original music by Fred Vogels
Trailer of my film the Last Pilgrimage:
The Last Pilgrimage (2014)
The last official journey of the Normandy Veterans Association to Normandy France and White Hall London. The NVA was disbanded that same year.
The film (produced, filmed by Fred Vogels)
Original music by Fred Vogels
American Cemetery Colleville-sur-Mer (2003)
The film (produced, filmed by Fred Vogels)
Original music by Fred Vogels
Same film, original music by Fred Vogels in 2014:
D-day 70 years trailer concert BBC Royal Albert Hall
Original music by Fred Vogels
The Battle of Britain, trailer concert BBC 75 year Royal Albert Hall
Original music by Fred Vogels
Battle of Britain Memorial Flight
Original music by Fred Vogels
Commemoration Bayeux 2003
Filmed on the cemetery
Dutch work by Fred Vogels
Interviews Fred Vogels in Dutch
Visit RAF Airgunners to Dronten, the Netherlands " We will remember them" (2005)
Airgunners arriving in Dronten
Airgunners to War Cemetery in Oosterbeek
Airgunners at the Regenboog
Speech and meal before the commemoration
Concert in De Ark
Commemoration at the Redeplein
Service in the church
Visit to Bronbeek
Visit to Vaassen
Back home
Original music by Fred Vogels
A film by Fred Vogels:
Trailer Afblijven the film (2006)
Original music by Fred Vogels and Maarten Spruijt
Trailer Film by the Sea (2008)
Original music by Fred Vogels and Maarten Spruijt
Vluchtelingenwerk (2006)
Original music by Fred Vogels and Maarten Spruijt
For more info, music and stories
Presentations, milestones
Co-founder and organizer, Slagwerk Den Haag
Founder CKV for cultural education, now part of Meerpaal Dronten
Milestones in dutch
Composities voor div uitvoeringen muziekscholen (1975)
Composities voor het jaarlijkse landelijke Boekenbal (1977-1978)
Composities voor 2 toneelstukken van de Haagse Komedie (1978-1980)
Composities ter gelegenheid van (her)opening Oude Kerk te Enschede en koorwedstrijden: Hoor, luister (1980)
Composities voor een aantal ballet- en dansvoorstellingen
Composities voor muziekfestivals (o.a. Euregio)- Vele kleine composities voor jaarlijkse series schoolconcerten voor het basisonderwijs
Radio-uitzendingen binnen en buitenland (1992 - current)
Platencontract met Oreade Music (1992 - 2002)
Uitgave CD Natural in meer dan 10 landen
Uitgave composities op allerlei verzamel- en thema CD's bij Oreade Music
Vele concerten met eigen werk (1977-1994)
Fred Vogels as a musician played with:
Residentie Orkest
Rotterdams Filharmonisch Orkest
Concertgebouw Orkest
Radio Filharmonisch Orkest
Gewestelijk Orkest
Overijssels Filharmonisch Orkest
Radio Kamerorkest
Promenade Orkest Noord-Hollands Filharmonisch Orkest
West Deutsche Rundfunkorchester
Nederlands Barok Orkest
Schönberg Ensemble
Nederlands Blazers Ensemble
ASKO Nederlands Kamerkoor
Slagwerkgroep Den Haag
Ben Steneker (country en western)
Bigband van het ministerie van Landbouw
Nederlands Politie Orkest Harmonie- en fanfareorkesten
Vele adhoc formaties (operettes musicals koorbegeleidingen concerten)
Solist op marimba o.a. i.s.m. Koninklijke Luchtmacht Kapel
Duo met pianist Benno Pierweyer (kamermuziek)
Duo met boventoonzanger Danny Becher (wereldmuziek)
Uitvoeringen van het solorepertoire voor marimba